July 31, 2021

Dear Margo and Larry;

 I would like to share our story regarding Too Mini Aussies.

 I had wanted a Mini American shepherd for several years, but the timing/situation was not right. Finally, in 2017 the stars aligned, we were retired, we had property, and the dogs we had would be compatible with another new dog. So I began my search. Looking at different breeders, their pups and the dogs they used for breeding. And of course reading information from folks that had purchased from them. I was very impressed with everything I read and saw about Too Minis. Then there was this beautiful 10 month old black tri male for sale on their website and it was love at first sight. But that was the beginning... I spoke with Margo at length one evening. Then again the following day. She asked all kinds of questions. How many dogs have we had, what kind of dogs we currently had. Do we spend time with our dogs, what is our daily living situation, etc. She agreed to meet with us at at park halfway between us and her. We had a cattle dog that we had rescued a few months before and she wanted to be sure the cattle dog and Mow would be compatible. They did very well together. She also gave us a month to be sure that everyone would get along, and if for any reason things did not work out, she would take Mow back. This was my first experience with a breeder of this integrity, and I was totally impressed. So in February of 2018, Mow became Shilo and he is the most amazing dog I have ever owned. His temperament is so calm, sweet, and he totally wants to please. The first night he came home we showed him his bed, he  laid in it, so calm, happy, and that was it. (of course he now sleeps in bed with us, unless it is too warm for him) I have gone to classes with Shilo and he has to his credit Trick Dog Novice, Trick Dog Intermediate,  CGC Canine Good Citizen, and has successfully completed a course in Urban Canine. In short, this dog is amazing, and my love.

   We were so impressed with Shilo, that we wanted another Too Minis pup, so we got Cooper in October of 2019,  at 9 weeks. A beautiful blue merle with blue eyes that would rival Paul Newman. He is the sweetest boy, learns quickly, wants to please. Does well in crowds, with children coming up to him, and assorted dogs. In short, he is a love, and Papa's boy. He does not have the certificates of Shilo, because of Covid 19, but he is equally easy to train. And he makes us laugh every day.

    I thought to tell you our experience after owning 2 of your pups for 2 and 3 years now. And if anyone would like to speak with  someone that has owned two of your dogs, feel free to give them my number and tell them to have a chair handy because once I get started on my boys, it could take awhile.


 Kevin and Marla Derry

Thank you Too Mini Aussies 

We’d been in search of the perfect Mini Aussie for some time, and came across Larry and Margo  at Too Mini Aussies when looking for a breeder in Northern California with an AKC accreditation.
From the research we’d done, we knew we wanted a breeder who specialized in confirmation, versus agility or working lines.

We had just started a vacation when we reached out to Margo about a puppy she had named Patrick that looked and sounded perfect for us according to her website.

Margo suggested to us to come meet him before living on our trip. So we took a slight detour on our vacation, and we’re so glad we did! Margo had Patrick all ready for us and told us all about his life so far, his personality, and her recommendations and history as a breeder. We were able to meet some of his siblings, grandmother, grandfather and great grandmother!

All of Larry and Margo’s dogs are incredibly sweet and cuddly, she shared with us her focus on breeding for temperament and it absolutely shows! We ended up spending two hours with them and fell in love with Patrick.

We took a night to sleep on the decision and the next day called to let her know we were in love and we would pick him up when we were back from vacation. We picked him up and had an uneventful drive back to SF. Margo and Larry had done a lot of work with the puppies and Patrick (who we renamed Alta) was already crate trained, sitting, and walking on a leash.

He’d also already had his last vaccine and was beautifully groomed. This was a great start absolutely showed and made our lives much easier as new puppy parents!

Alta is an incredibly sweet and easy going puppy, he LOVES people and has been a joy for us to join our family! We’re stopped constantly by people on the street complimenting how beautiful and cute he is. We’ve been really enjoying working with Alta on new commands, which he loves! He is so smart and attentive, especially for such a little puppy! We love him so much and we’re so glad we met Margo and Larry. This was a great experience and the only negative is Chico gets really HOT! :)

Cassie and Garret


Hi Margo and Larry,

We've had Hunter for 3 weeks already!! I just wanted to sit down and write to both of you and let you know that we appreciate the great experience we had purchasing a puppy from you. He is such a sweet boy and he has filled the void left by our sheltie. Your communication and patience with me and all my questions was much appreciated. You always answered my emails and kept me up to date with what was going on with the puppies and their development. We are grateful for the time you spent making sure we had the right puppy and updating us on their personalities, temperment and size. 
I would highly recommend anyone looking for a mini Aussie (well, okay, Hunter isn't exactly mini :) to come to you and if I ever decide to get another dog in the future, I will certainly look no further. Thank you again for this wonderful addition to our family. I will keep you updated on Hunter's progress. 
Best Regards,
Sandi                                                                                              04 / 2019


 “We met Margo from Too Mini Aussies while on the search for the perfect puppy. Right from the start, she took her time to ask important questions to help us figure out what type of dog we wanted to add to our family. It became very obvious that her primary concern is the wellbeing of her puppies by matching them with the right people and not the profits.

 We immediately chose a cute fluffy pup and placed a hold on her.  A few weeks later, after she got to know the personality, Margo soon realized the puppy we choose would not be the dog for us. She called us and explained that her puppy would not be a good fit, then she did something unheard of; she had found us a puppy from a different breeder that she felt would be a better fit! And she was right! So although we did not end up purchasing a puppy from her, we would recommend her to anyone looking to add a Mini to their family. She is truly a puppy match-maker! Thank you for the wonderful experience, Margo.”

Sydney & family

2019 was a challenging year with the loss of my mom, my 14 year old dog Bear and the aging of my other 14 yr old pup Ellie.  My work was very demanding and I had this hole in my heart.  One of my friends had a mini Australian Shepard and he was an amazing dog.  I googled mini aussies in Northern California and came across several sites.  Too Mini Ausdies stood out.  When spoke to Margo and she told me about her dogs, I was sold.  She told me she had a litter expected at the mid to end of August.  So I began watching my the web site and staying with in touch. 

On august 18, the pups were born and I stared following them on the web cam. Margo said these pups would be bigger with a personality to match.  I fell in love with Cole and took a trip to Chico to meet him, Margo and Larry.  What an amazing couple, I think I was there for 8 hours holding Cole and getting to know them.  Margo even found an exercise pen for me on Craig’s list and took me to pick it up!  I knew I found an amazing couple that raises amazing dogs! 
Margo and Larry met me in Rocklin to pick up Cole and have dinner.  He came home that night and it Has been a wonderful connection.
He is now Bear, named after my pup I lost earlier this year.  He makes me smile every day and is a light in my life. And I have made amazing friends in Margo and Larry, just wished I let bed closer!
Bear is growing everyday and I cannot imagine my life without him.  He is an amazing dog with a matching personality.  He is my companion and I will be ever indebted to Margo and Larry.  They do not breed dogs, they raise amazing companions to be part of your life.  If you are looking for an exceptional companion, this is the place.

Sharon Berli

​The Too Mini Aussie family gets five paws from our family on honesty, integrity, health, and temperament in breeding! They are welcoming, charming, and hilarious—fantastic people with fantastic dogs, and they breed fantastic puppies. We absolutely could not have asked for a better experience getting to know the Too Mini family and adding a Too Mini pup to our pack. We came to Margo and Larry looking for an honest and open puppy-matching experience, and with them that’s exactly what you get! They are first and foremost interested in finding the best homes for their pups and will take as much time as needed to get to know you and what you are looking for. They are totally the gold star standard in dog breeding, and we had other (not so great) experiences elsewhere to compare and prove it. We have been in touch and send many updates on our puppy as he has grown up, and they are always happy to see him. Our Shelby/Bob baby Finli is a quirky, loving, happy, healthy, super-smart pup who could not have been a more perfect fit for our family. Thank you Margo and Larry for a Too-riffic Mini Aussie!!!

XOXO, Josie and Scott


​​ Too Mini Aussies & Miniature American Shepherds ​​

We’ve been wanting to get a Mini Aussie for some time. When we were finally ready we decided to start looking for breeders. We had to be very wary because of all the unethical breeders out there. Luckily, we found Too Mini Aussies over the internet. In our first call with them, Margo immediately started educating us about Mini Aussies and asking a lot questions. It was a great sign that she really cared about these dogs and she wouldn’t sell them to just anyone. 
The puppies weren’t 10 weeks old yet, so we had to wait a couple of weeks to go meet them. She was great at communicating and giving us recommendations and updates.
We finally met the puppies at her beautiful farm. They were all happy and healthy, running and playing like the free souls they are. 
Margo told us about Ariel, a very sweet black tri that she felt was perfect for us. She couldn’t have been more right! My husband and I both fell in love when we saw her. Now her name is Kai. 
We left Margo’s house with a healthy puppy, all of her vet and vaccine history, and a feeling of great gratitude. Kai, and all of Too Mini Aussie's puppies, come from a line of beloved dogs. This is where you want your puppy’s life to start.
Thank you, Margo and Larry

The Duhau family 


  Hi, Margo and Larry,
Happy 3-month puppy birthday!
We're writing to let you know that our little Mandy is now named Luna.  And that she is absolutely perfect in every way!  Not only is she the pride and joy of us two, but she is als​o getting tons and tons of attention from family, friends, and strangers everywhere she goes.  Now that we're back at work after the holidays, she has a whole lineup of very eager dogsitters and walkers.

​She's been sleeping quietly all night since before New Year's, has adapted perfectly to suburban apartment dwelling (she knows the dozens of doors and staircases in our building, loves bunny-hopping through the tall grass in the landscaping, etc.), and is a great traveler.  Even potty training is pretty okay!

Here are few pictures for you.  (She smiles a ton, even though she seems pretty serious in most of these shots. But I did throw in one grainy smile shot for you as proof!)

Life has been so good with this amazing puppy....  Thanks again for choosing us for her, and vice versa.

Glen & Marinav

(Now take the time and read this one from the Foley family)

>> It was finally time to get another family dog after losing our Black lab Kali to old age in September of 2012.  We asked around and Too Mini Aussies was the unanimous recommendation.  Enthusiastically, I sent an email through their website inquiring about the availability of the puppy Nick that was displayed.    Never going the Breeder route,  I thought the process would be simple.  You call, you pay and at the end of the day you have your new Pup.

>> Oh contraire!  That's when the nightmare began!  What?  I couldn't just show them the money and get my dog?  They actually wanted to interview me, my husband, my son and even our cat Katie.  Really?  As I drove up to the kennel and exited my vehicle I extended my hand to Margo.  You can only imagine my shock when, instead of taking my hand, she patted me down and asked if I would submit to a background check, and be fingerprinted?
>> Was this standard operating procedure?  While
we were used to this process when adopting our son, we had no idea it was also necessary when buying a mutt?  How far were we willing to go?  So I began doing a little calling around of my own to see if this was the norm.  The first call was to my contact at the FBI who  casually stated," Margo said you might be calling when he heard it was me on the other end.    I didn't give it much thought until my informant at the Better Business Bureau actually reached out to me, apparently anticipating my call, wanting to reassure me that Too Mini Aussies was a reputable establishment. They concluded our conversation by asking me to give Margo and Larry their best and they so enjoyed the BBQ!  I then stopped by the local Pet Co to pick up a leash in the event Nick was available.  I walked in and the person behind the register casually mentioned "Margo mentioned you might be stopping by"!  That's when I realized she has a friggin drone following me!
>> All I can say is that Too Mini Aussies cares more about finding the perfect home for their dogs than the $$$$$$$$ that changes hands during the process!  Why would you go any other place wanting the perfect family pet?  Nick is already a big part of our family, and we can't imagine our  life before Nick!

>>>> The Foley Family